Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Mobile Learning for Mobile Learners

Greetings from HCS! We are excited to offer incoming PreK students the opportunity to learn and explore with an iPod Touch as additional learning tool for this summer. Last year was our maiden voyage with this initiative, and we are pleased to report that it was a complete success!

Each student will receive an iPod Touch that is loaded with "apps" customized to meet and exceed incoming PreK benchmarks. Our goal is to close or lessen any potential achievement gap before students ever "officially" enter the doors as students. Apps will teach and refine skills in areas such as:

Color Recognition
Word Work
Letter/Sound Correlation
Shape Recognition
Word Work
Reading Comprehension
Reading Fluency
Number Sense

After our initial PreK iPod kickoff meeting in June, we invite parents and students to be active in using this blog. This main page will be used for messages from HCS administrators and teachers. There are three sections to the right that we have created to foster collaboration among parents, students, and HCS faculty and administrators. These pages include Success Stories, App Share, and Troubleshooting. You can find these pages on the top of this page. Each page has a brief description. We invite you to post your comments so that we may all learn together as we embark on this summer journey.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to post them here on the blog or to contact:

Mrs. Nagle
PreK Teacher

Ms. Briggs
PreK Teacher

Mr. Roy
HCS Director of Technology

Mr. Coriale
HCS Coordinator of Innovation and Enrichment